Marshal law was declared 6hrs ago here in Billings, I got in just as the National Guard closed the road and now I'm not sure if I'll be able to get out. The Governor had the power to the city shut off. There are roving gangs everywhere with all assortment of weaponry. There are cars flipped over and on fire all over down town. Not sure how much longer I have to report in about the uprising in Billings, but I'll stay on as long as I can with you so we caaohnerghreagrat4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...... . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ....
just kidding :-)
So! @ the end of day two I've managed to rocket northward, stair-stepping my way across and up. Through out most of the day I was attacked by the Snake River and it is absolutely breathtaking. I made it into Idaho first thing this morning after pushing past Elko NV late late late last night. Nothing really stood out except how slow the natives drive until, there was a sudden gash in the earth and way @ the bottom was my first of several encounters with the Snake.
Truck is running great and how I wish it didn't have that bloodly speed governor on it :-( My directions were to take me through Yellowstone but there was construction or something that closed the road to through truck traffic, so I had skirt the park to the west which brought me right through Ennis Montana. The 40 miles or so before Ennis got a bit sketchy as there was a steady snow and the road was getting thick. Fortunately the elevation dropped again and it was smooth sailing all the way to Billings where I'm hold up @ this very moment.
Looks like I stop in Minot ND tomorrow afternoon and get an early start across the border on Monday morning. I was hoping to get in Canada tomorrow but I think that would be pushing it.
Ahhh Billings, smells like Martinez. night night.
-Mahatma Kane Jeeves