GJKSW, Stephen, Rayray, Megan, & Zachary arrived at JFK Monday evening. We proceeded to drag all of our gear around on the subway for quite a while. Finally, we found Andrew and Boxcar and headed to a super swank Upper West Side flat belonging to one of Andrew’s ol’chums. We started in right away with “studying” for the big trip. We went to the roof to enjoy the amazing Gotham City architecture and a digression into an uninformed macho-guy kerfuffle about the plumbing going on inside all of the beautiful wooden water tanks that dotted the skyline. After a quick and heavily fried dim sum supper, Andrew took us to a dumpy little cowboy bar for further study. PBR ruled the evening, followed by an onslaught of stout little bridesmaids. Of course I’ve been eating constantly and after we left the bar, Stephen and I enjoyed our first slices of NY style pizza. Back at the flat, Greg, Megan, and I fell asleep watching a charming History Channel program on the history of Hillbillies and all of the cultural highlights of West Virginia past and present. W. Virginia is the only state in the Union that has not outlawed snake handling (for religious purposes)!
I slept in a bit and was rousted by the amazing Megan and Andrew, having just returned with outstanding bagels and coffee. In less then 24 hours we managed to destroy this 3 million dollar flat. We spent the late morning making repairs and scraping pudding off the ceiling. Andrew had his Mom’s hybrid and his lovely lady Boxcar had borrowed her sister’s pickup for all of our crap. We picked up Sunny, who had arrived in NY a few days earlier to visit friends, on our way North to the state capitol. Arrived at the build site about 1900, in time for the master orientation meeting for the entire project, and we started to pick up on the feel of how things are going to run. Since we dropped the boat off 3 weeks ago, the volunteers have made a ton of progress and it looks really nice. They are running a bit behind, but we all were impressed by the level of organization. More about this later...
I slept in a bit and was rousted by the amazing Megan and Andrew, having just returned with outstanding bagels and coffee. In less then 24 hours we managed to destroy this 3 million dollar flat. We spent the late morning making repairs and scraping pudding off the ceiling. Andrew had his Mom’s hybrid and his lovely lady Boxcar had borrowed her sister’s pickup for all of our crap. We picked up Sunny, who had arrived in NY a few days earlier to visit friends, on our way North to the state capitol. Arrived at the build site about 1900, in time for the master orientation meeting for the entire project, and we started to pick up on the feel of how things are going to run. Since we dropped the boat off 3 weeks ago, the volunteers have made a ton of progress and it looks really nice. They are running a bit behind, but we all were impressed by the level of organization. More about this later...