It didn't seem like there were too many problems or setbacks today with the other ships... although I did need to quickly fire up the inflatable to go rescue a bacon bag that was dropped off one of the boats. We also had to think fast to narrowly avoid a barrel that Steve Valdez threw at the Steamboat... he says that it came unlashed from their boat, but I wouldn't trust that guy as far as I can throw him...
Bacon is great... It's a cute little town with galleries, restaurants and cafes, but no motels. We had dinner at Max's where they have a strict dress code after 7:00 pm.... no doo rags or sleeveless shirts... but they served up some yummy Guiness, fish and bacon. We slept on the roof of the boat last night at a Bacon ferry dock under the stars, then went to a retro diner for breakfast and more bacon. We have a show tonight at the Dia Bacon... first show in a few days.
I'm not sure what the next destination after Bacon is. This is the last stop for us (Nathaniel, Megan, Torreya and myself)... work and responsibility and railcars are a beckoning... and yes, the town is spelled Beacon... but we've been eating so much delicious bacon all week that for some reason, the "e" just drops right off and all we see is BACON everywhere.
Bacon Town Hall, Bacon Police, Bacon Street, Dia Bacon, Bacon Bridge, The Bacon Catholic Church, Bacon B&B...
mmmm.... bacon....
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