wheeee! this is fun stuff, lemme tell ya.
today i got to sleep in until 9:30 and it was bliss. even better, we didn't need to break down camp and launch the boat. we're being hosted at king's marine in verplanck - a lovely dock with an amazing mass of used boats and gear - look it up if you're in NY and need a boat. there's a big lawn, croquet and swimming in an old quarry around here. there is an

underwater city down in the quarry. randy, our host says that the quarry is another 100' deep below the water, which is an impressive 60' jump down a stone cliff (i chickened out and jumped off the smallest rock i could fine). apparently, while mining 60 years ago, they hit a watermain and flooded the place and there are still buildings and cars and cranes down there. a refreshing and lovely break from the work of the water and relax and have some good old fashioned summer fun. just earlier today stephen and i took a sailboat ride out to stony point with our new friend magic marty - my first time out on a sailboat. later in the day team KSW played a great game of baseball at the local ball field. i think there are going to be hot dogs grilled later this evening.
tomorrow we head out 6 miles to croton on hudson.

uploaded as many photos on flickr as i had the patience for - there's certainly more to share. there's just so little time, wireless connection and so much work and fun to be had.
time to get off the computer. this is a great trip with great people and the community we're all experiencing and creating is really spectacular.
I've loved reading the updates! San Francisco is strangely quiet now and I, too, leave tomorrow. I'll raise a glass to y'all the night of the burn :) hellos to everyone...
anybody know where the boat will be tied up this labor day weekend?
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